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Using Professional Fire Restoration Services

8/30/2023 (Permalink)

Apartment hallway, fire damage Apartment hallway fire damage.

Adhering to Regulations

Following a fire incident, local regulations might dictate specific protocols for cleanup. This often necessitates procedures different from your usual trash and dumpster services. Engaging a fire damage cleanup company ensures adherence to the proper guidelines, making certain that your home aligns with the legal requirements governing cleanup processes.

Restoration Expertise

Collaborating with professionals for fire damage cleanup presents the added benefit of comprehensive item restoration. The cleanup team thoroughly assesses all your personal belongings affected by the fire. Surprisingly, items that appear irreparably damaged can often be fully restored. This includes various elements such as flooring, furniture, appliances, and other costly-to-replace items. The expertise of the cleanup experts can result in substantial savings and a more complete recovery.

The Perils of Ignoring Water Damage

8/30/2023 (Permalink)

Thermal camera, office building, water damage Thermal camera depicting water damage.

Ceilings tainted with discoloration to sudden basement floods or pipes rupturing in your kitchen, these are all indicators of a water damage problem. Cleanup is not enough – it's imperative to tackle the root cause to avert more severe repercussions. Unattended water damage can inflict irreversible harm, like fostering rot and or mold growth on your property. Beyond the unappealing sight, it can erode your property's overall value.

Savings through Timely Water Damage Intervention

The silver lining lies in promptly and effectively managing water damage by taking immediate action. Waiting only escalates costs and potential destruction. When caught early, water damage typically yields to basic maintenance and repairs, such as replacing water-damaged drywall or flooring. Yet, if neglected, it can transform into a colossal issue necessitating weeks or months to correct – translating into a significant financial burden.


Unchecked water damage bears serious consequences, underscoring the urgency of addressing any indications as soon as they surface. From the perils of physical and mental health concerns due to mold proliferation to the avoidable hefty restoration expenses, the fallout of overlooking water damage is extensive.

In the unfortunate event of water damage afflicting your property, it's imperative to enlist professional assistance before the situation exacerbates. SERVPRO® stands as your dependable resource for swift and trustworthy water damage restoration services. Recognizing the urgency, we offer same-day, on-site assessments to swiftly manage the issue. Our certified, fully insured technicians safeguard you throughout the process. Don't postpone until it's too late; reach out to SERVPRO today for an evaluation and unparalleled water damage restoration services. Let us guide you back to the path of recovery!

Water Removal Challenges

8/23/2023 (Permalink)

Apartment, water damage Apartment living room water damage.

The Significance of Water Classification

Within the realm of water-related intrusions, it's essential to consider three primary categories: rainwater, fresh water, and sewage. The specific type of water present in your home determines the approach coming into contact and residual cleanup efforts. Sewage water, in particular, can harbor harmful bacteria that pose serious health risks. Fortunately, identifying the type of water is often straightforward, as sewage water tends to emit a strong, unpleasant odor. If you suspect sewage involvement, enlisting the services of a professional water damage cleanup company like SERVPRO® equipped with the appropriate tools and expertise is crucial for safe resolution.

Lingering Challenges Beyond Water Removal

While the removal of water from your home might seem like a sigh of relief, it's important to acknowledge that lingering moisture can persist in concealed areas. Moisture hidden within walls, crawlspaces, and beneath floorboards has the potential to foster mold growth over time. Mold is not only toxic but also capable of causing structural damage to homes, resulting in significant consequences. Engaging a mold prevention expert to assess your property is vital to ensure that this hazardous substance isn't infiltrating your living space.

Call us at 818-960-1644 and our team will be on site faster than any other company. 

Facing the Reality of Property Damage

8/17/2023 (Permalink)

Servpro vans, apartment complex SERVPRO vans parked at commercial property.

Disasters carry profound consequences that extend well beyond the tragic loss of life. Their aftermath often involves widespread property devastation, leaving homes, edifices, and essential infrastructure either obliterated or severely compromised. This level of destruction disrupts the lives of individuals and families, compelling them to seek alternative accommodations and uprooting their sense of stability. The subsequent displacement and ambiguity can lead to enduring psychological repercussions, engendering emotions of fear, anxiety, and sorrow. Navigating the trauma of such circumstances demands substantial support and resources to empower individuals to embark on the journey of recovery.

Beyond the emotional toll, the financial ramifications stemming from property damage caused by disasters can be staggering. The task of rebuilding or restoring compromised structures and replenishing lost belongings can impose an overwhelming financial strain on those impacted. In certain instances, insurance coverage might fall short of addressing the complete scope of the destruction, thereby leaving individuals accountable for a significant portion of the expenses. This financial burden can impede the recovery trajectory, amplifying the overall repercussions on individuals and communities alike. At SERVPRO, we recognize the profound need to address both the emotional and financial facets of property damage, fostering comprehensive recovery.

Water Removal Challenges

8/17/2023 (Permalink)

Apartment, water damage Apartment living room water damage.

The Significance of Water Classification

Within the realm of water-related intrusions, it's essential to consider three primary categories: rainwater, fresh water, and sewage. The specific type of water present in your home determines the approach coming into contact and residual cleanup efforts. Sewage water, in particular, can harbor harmful bacteria that pose serious health risks. Fortunately, identifying the type of water is often straightforward, as sewage water tends to emit a strong, unpleasant odor. If you suspect sewage involvement, enlisting the services of a professional water damage cleanup company like SERVPRO® equipped with the appropriate tools and expertise is crucial for safe resolution.

Lingering Challenges Beyond Water Removal

While the removal of water from your home might seem like a sigh of relief, it's important to acknowledge that lingering moisture can persist in concealed areas. Moisture hidden within walls, crawlspaces, and beneath floorboards has the potential to foster mold growth over time. Mold is not only toxic but also capable of causing structural damage to homes, resulting in significant consequences. Engaging a mold prevention expert to assess your property is vital to ensure that this hazardous substance isn't infiltrating your living space.

Backyard Fire Pit Safety

8/17/2022 (Permalink)

Window after an interior fire Keep your fire pit far from any structures, brush, and trees.

It’s summertime, and there’s no better time for an outdoor barbecue and some s’mores by the fire pit. If not cared for properly, however, a relaxing night around the fire could turn into a disaster. Use these tips to help keep your summer nights fun!


Keep your fire pit far from any structures, brush, and trees. Ensure no branches or leaves hang anywhere above the fire pit so smoke has a clear escape path into the air. Keep the fire on a non-flammable surface such as concrete or sand. Avoid setting up the fire on grass, and never create a fire on a wooden deck.


Keep any flammable materials away from the fire. Staying approximately 10-20 feet from surrounding vegetation and brush will help to prevent flames from jumping or spreading. Dig the pit about six inches deep in the center with a two-foot diameter to contain all embers and flames.


Always use the proper method to extinguish the flames of a fire as described by your local fire marshal/fire department. Water is usually a primary source to extinguish fire. In addition, a shovel can help with putting out the remaining flames and suffocating the fire. Once the flames are drowned with water, stir with shovel until no flames remain. Ashes remain hot for several days, so ensure they are properly disposed and left to cool. Never dispose of ashes in a compost pile or flammable material.

Stay safe this summer and enjoy the outdoors! If you ever have a fire at your home, Call SERVPRO® West Coast DRT at (818) 995-6444 to help with the restoration, we are 24/7/365.

Keep your Business Mold-Free

8/15/2022 (Permalink)

Machine pumping out mold from closet Mold grows anywhere there is moisture and oxygen. The mold spores are invisible to humans, so you may not even know when mold takes over.

Mold grows in places you cannot even see, and it sometimes grows increasingly worse before it’s noticeable. Mold, however, pollutes the air and can threaten the structural integrity of a structure.

When mold grows on a commercial property, it can be devastating for business owners as they must shut down operations to decontaminate the business. These tips will help prevent mold from growing in your business.

Mold grows anywhere there is moisture and oxygen. The mold spores are invisible to humans, so you may not even know when mold takes over.

  1. Use a dehumidifier: It can be challenging to maintain proper humidity inside your business. To ensure 50% humidity, install commercial dehumidifiers throughout the property.
  2. Repair plumbing issues: As soon as you notice a leak in your business from a roof, pipe, or window, call a restoration company to mend the damages. The longer you wait, the higher the chance of mold growth.
  3. Ensure proper ventilation: If not properly maintained, mold will grow around HVAC systems. Mold spores can spread from vents, so a clean HVAC system will keep mold out.
  4. Stay Vigilant: It’s not easy to notice mold growth in its early stages. By inspecting your property frequently and monitoring high moisture levels, you can notice mold before it becomes a problem. Early signs of mold growth include stains on walls, smells, and marks on floors.
  5. Call a professional: If the mold has spread or you can’t find the origin of the problem, call a professional mold remediation company to assist you.

At SERVPRO® West Coast DRT, we have a team of certified franchise professionals to take care of your mold problem. Our team is trained with the best equipment and techniques to locate and remove your property of mold and residual pores. Trust SERVPRO® West Coast DRT for your commercial property mold remediation needs. Call us at (818) 995-6444, we are 24/7/365.

Have Water Damage? Here's What to Do.

8/12/2022 (Permalink)

Water damage from ceiling SERVPRO® West Coast DRT knows the safe and best way to remove excess water and minimize the chance of mold growth.

Oh no! You notice a leaking pipe or a plumbing issue in your home or business. Don’t fret, SERVPRO® West Coast DRT is here for you. Before we arrive, however, here are some tips to safely take care of water damage. Keep in mind, these tips apply to clean water only. Sewage water causes different kinds of damage, and it is contaminated, so SERVPRO® treats that damage differently. SERVPRO® West Coast DRT is the perfect call to begin the water removal process, as our professional team will quickly and properly dry out your home or business from any water damage.

  • When you notice damage occurring, immediately shut off the water source and turn off the power.
  • If safe, remove as much water as possible with a mop and towels to soak up water.
  • Place aluminum foil between wood furniture legs and carpet. Do not keep rugs and furniture upholstery wet against each other, as more damage will occur.

Safety is number one priority, so these steps are only recommended if they are safe to do so. Do not enter a room with standing water, as there could be a risk of an electrical shock. Ensure all power is disconnected as soon as flooding occurs. Do not use an ordinary household vacuum to try and remove water. SERVPRO® West Coast DRT knows the safe and best way to remove excess water and minimize the chance of mold growth. Call us at (818) 995-6444 to assist you today, we are 24/7/365.

Returning Home: How to Remove the Smoky Smell from your Property

8/10/2022 (Permalink)

A ceiling with smoke damage Deodorizing and sanitizing a home or business after a fire is not an easy task, and you should not have to be forced to do it yourself.

If you’ve ever been around a campfire or experienced an indoor fire, you’ll know exactly what that lingering smoky smell is like after the fire’s been put out. When you suffer from a home or business fire, it’s important to minimize as much of the remaining odor as possible before SERVPRO® West Coast DRT arrives. These tips will be helpful in maintaining the healthiest living conditions as possible after a fire occurs.

Tip 1: If safe, open any windows to increase airflow and circulation. Additionally, keep doors open to allow air to flow through and out of the structure.

Tip 2: Replace air filters. Toxic smoke particles and soot can become trapped in air filters, which results in unhealthy air being released after a fire. Replace the filters to avoid the spread of the odor.

Tip 3: Deep clean the affected areas. Kitchen counters, curtains, windows and carpets are commons places for smoke particles to stick after a fire. Target these areas to remove the remaining odor from smoke damage.

SERVPRO® West Coast DRT is the expert fire restoration team for you! Deodorizing and sanitizing a home or business after a fire is not an easy task, and you should not have to be forced to do it yourself. Here at SERVPRO®, we have a team of experienced professionals with advanced odor removal products and equipment that will take care of your fire-related needs. Let our team make your home or business look like the fire “Never even happened.” Call SERVPRO® West Coast DRT at (818) 995-6444, we are 24/7/365.

Stay Safe from Fires in the Workplace

8/5/2022 (Permalink)

A kitchen after a fire If a fire does occur in your business, call SERVPRO® West Coast DRT to get the restoration process underway.

A fire is never fun. At the office or workplace, fires can cause danger to personnel in addition to property damage. Read these tips on basic fire prevention to stay as safe on the job as possible.

Steps of Prevention

  • Ensure all staff is properly educated on fire prevention procedures, evacuation routes and fire hazards.
  • Maintain a clean workspace to reduce the risk of fire.
  • Be aware of potential combustible materials and flammable items.
  • Keep a working fire extinguisher in the business and know its whereabouts.

General Safety

  • Dispose of combustible or flammable materials in and around the workplace.
  • Keep combustible materials in approved containers and away from other flammable items.
  • Keep fire extinguisher in an accessible place not blocked by furniture or clutter.

Preventative Safety

  • Keep fire equipment up to date, receive inspections on a regular basis.
  • Have a working alarm system with both sound and lights.
  • Be aware of local authority and fire department information for easy contact when necessary.
  • Keep staff up to date on training, be aware of what’s going on.
  • Work with SERVPRO® West Coast DRT to create an emergency response plan for your business.

If a fire does occur in your business, call SERVPRO® West Coast DRT to get the restoration process underway. We know a fire can be devastating, and that is why we take great care in restoring as many of your items as we can. No job is too big for SERVPRO® West Coast DRT. Call today at (818) 995-6444, we are 24/7/365.